Troop updates

We had a great time at summer camp. 6 youth went and earned 20 merit badges, 3 ranks, 1 completed project COPE, many were blobbed, went boating, caught plenty of fish, and had a spectacular time.

Our next big events are:

7/13 – Putt putt at General Custers! 7-8:30, $10 to play.

8/10 – Court of Honor at Western Bowl to recognize everyone for their achievements. We will then bowl after the presentation. The cost is $10 to bowl.

Patrol Elections and Youth Leadership

Congratulations to Taje and Kyle.

  • Taje was elected by his peers to be Patrol Leader.
  • Kyle was elected to be Assistant Patrol Leader.

Taje will be the patrol representative to you Patrol Leaders’ Council (PLC) of the troop.

Other PLC members are:

Colum – OA Troop Representative

Todd – Troop Guide

Isaiah – Troop Scribe

Dan – Junior assistant Scoutmaster / Quartermaster

Summer Camp

Summer camp is July 4 – July 10 at Camp Friedlander in Present Campsite.

All scouts need a boy scout medical form parts A, B, and C. Part C requires a doctor’s signature. A copy of the Medical Insurance Card must be attached.

We will leave at 12:30 from St. Lawrence on July 4 and return by noon on July 10. The total cost is $320 per scout, unless you receive notice that a campership has been applied. Fees are due to the troop by 5/14.

SM Terry and Daniel Tracy will be the adults.

Bowl-a-Thon is 3/23

Fill up your sponsor sheets!

Troop 302’s bowl-a-thon is Tuesday, 3/23, 7pm-9pm at western Bowl. The cost is $10 per person.*

This fundraiser will help generate $ for summer camp and fuel each scout’s next adventure!

*Those that fill up their sponsor sheet get free bowling.

1/26 meeting – first aid

For our virtual meeting, use this link to join the Teams meeting at 7pm.

We will have a presentation on firstaid, followed by a game of Among Us.